
DAAD Winter Courses Scholarships for International Students

If you want to add additional skills/qualifications to your resume, I highly propose that you submit your online application for University winter courses in Germany that are supported by DAAD for students, graduates, and doctoral degree students.

Check Also: IU University Germany Scholarships


Duration of German University Winter Course:

This particular German course provided at German universities on DAAD scholarship will last for 6 months, beginning in January 2024 and finishing in February 2024, and you must submit your online application before the deadline to join.

Subjects Offered on German University Winter Courses:

You may be wondering which courses are offered by the DAAD university winter courses program, so please check the DAAD course finder to see if any subject relating to your field of interest is available on this winter scholarship or not.

DAAD Winter Courses Scholarships for International Students
DAAD Winter Courses Scholarships for International Students

Benefits of DAAD Winter Courses Scholarships for International Students

  • Academic Enrichment: The bursaries afford foreign students the chance to participate in specialized academic programs held in Germany. These courses frequently aim to augment the knowledge and abilities of participants in particular fields, providing them with a worthwhile scholarly experience.
  • Language Acquisition: A significant number of DAAD Winter Courses feature language courses, catering specifically to individuals seeking to enhance their command of the German language. Students who intend to pursue advanced studies in Germany or who are interested in improving their language proficiency for professional purposes may find this information advantageous.
  • Cultural Exposure: The program provides participants with an all-encompassing cultural encounter, enabling them to actively participate in German customs, traditions, and culture. This opportunity to be exposed to the host country enhances comprehension and promotes intercultural dialogue.
  • Networking Opportunities: Throughout the courses, attendees are afforded the opportunity to establish connections with professors, peers, and industry experts. In an international context, networking can provide access to prospective academic and professional opportunities.
  • International Collaboration: Interdisciplinary exchange and international collaboration are frequently encouraged in the courses. Through collaborative project work and discussions with peers from various cultural contexts, this activity encourages the development of a global outlook.
  • Professional Development: The acquisition of knowledge and skills throughout the courses can significantly enhance the professional growth of the participants. Those who are interested in applying their expertise in their native countries or pursuing advanced studies may find this information especially pertinent.
  • DAAD Alumni Network: Scholars are granted access to the vast DAAD alumni network, which facilitates connections with individuals who have been involved in DAAD programs in the past. This network can provide opportunities for ongoing collaboration, mentorship, and support.
  • Financial Support: Financial assistance is provided through the DAAD Winter Courses Scholarships, which encompass a range of costs such as lodging, tuition, travel, and a stipend. Students who might otherwise be unable to participate in the program are able to do so due to this financial assistance.
  • An Opportunity for Prospective Students to Explore the Academic Landscape of Germany: The Winter Courses Scholarships can function as an introductory fund for students contemplating pursuing advanced studies in Germany. They may strengthen their applications for longer-term study programs through successful participation.
  • Cross-Cultural Competencies: by studying and living in a foreign nation, individuals are exposed to alternative modes of thought and approaches to solving problems. This intercultural encounter improves one’s capacity for adaptation, resiliency, and intercultural communication.

How to Apply for DAAD Winter Courses?

So, if you are now interested in applying for this DAAD university winter course scholarship, please first check your eligibility because only those who are either undergrad students with two years of education completed, doctoral degree students, or students in their final year of postgraduate education are eligible to apply.

And, if you belong to any of the above-mentioned eligible student groups, you will also be required to write a convincing letter of motivation to participate in this DAAD university winter course program, along with your updated resume, all academic certificates, and transcripts, and to submit your application online at the DAAD portal.

More Info


Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How much CGPA is required for a DAAD scholarship?

    A level B1 certificate is required at the time of application. Additionally, applicants must possess a minimum CGPA of 8.5 or 85% (or equivalent) according to the degree submitted. You are now informed of the DAAD scholarship requirements for master’s and bachelor’s degrees.

  2. Who is eligible for the DAAD Scholarship?

    A student looking for this award must have completed a Bachelor’s degree program that was less than or equal to six years in duration. A student seeking this award must also have two years of job experience.

  3. Does DAAD require IELTS?

    In order to apply for a place at a German higher education institution and thus to start your scholarship, you must also submit proof of your language skills (e.g., DSH or TestDaF if the language of instruction is German; e.g., TOEFL or IELTS if the language of instruction is English).


Amna Ali

Khamzat is an experienced content writer who is passionate about creating high-quality, content. Khamzat's expertise spans a wide range of sponsorship programs, internships, scholarships, and job opportunities.

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