Sponsorship Jobs

Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Belarus 2024 – Apply Now

Belarus is hiring people from other countries and sponsoring their visas. To work in Belarus, someone from another country must first find a job. To work in Belarus, you need a company supporting your work visa. Today, we will tell you everything you need to know about Belarus Visa Sponsorship Jobs for Foreigners, including the benefits, standards, types of jobs, and how to apply.

Details of Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Belarus

Benefits of Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Belarus

  • Work Authorization: Jobs in Belarus that support your visa can give you legal work permission, which means you can legally live and work in the country. This is very important for non-citizens who are looking for work.
  • Access to Opportunities: Jobs that sponsor visas might become available for people with specific skills or abilities that are hard to find in the local job market. To get good workers from other countries, employers might be ready to pay for their visas.
  • International Experience: If you get a sponsored visa to work in Belarus, you can gain useful foreign work experience that can help your career and possibly lead to new job opportunities in the future.
  • Cultural Exposure: When you live and work in a different country, you may learn about new languages, cultures, and ways of doing business. This kind of training can help you grow as a person and in your career.
  • Potential for Permanent Residency: Visa-sponsoring jobs can sometimes help people get permanent residency in the host country. This can be especially helpful for people who want to stay in Belarus for a long time.
  • Networking Opportunities: When you work in a country with a visa sponsor, you can meet both local and international coworkers and build a professional network. This can help your job grow.

Types of Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Belarus

Director of Product (New Products), Engineering Manager, Senior Data Scientist, Senior Growth Product Manager, Sales Ops Team, Senior Software Engineer in Test, Workforce Management Forecasting Lead, Senior Workforce Management Planner, Senior Product Manager, and Growth Product Manager.


Types of Work Visas in Belarus

There are three types of visas available to visit Belarus.

1) Type B visa for transit

People with a Belarus Type B transit visa can go through Belarus for up to 48 hours without going into the country. It is mostly used for quick layovers or flights that connect to other ones.

2) Type C visa for short-term

With a Belarus Type C Visa, you can visit for a short time for work, pleasure, or family reasons. It usually lets people stay for up to 90 days in 180 days.

3) Type D visa for long-term stays

You need to get a Type D visa if you want to work in Belarus for a long time. A Type D visa lets you stay in Belarus for a long time, usually to work, study, or live there permanently. People from other countries can stay for more than 90 days. There needs to be a clear reason or request.

How Can Foreign People Work In Belarus?

If you are not from Belarus and want to work there, you will need a “special work permit in the Republic of Belarus.” As soon as they get the work permit, they can officially work in Belarus.


Work Permit Processing Time

It takes 15 days to get a work permit in Belarus.

Salary Package

Every month, most people make between 489 and 589 BYN. But people with a lot of skills also make 589 BYN a month.

Read Also: Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Belarus For Foreigners 2024

Required Documents

  • A form to apply for a visa.
  • The picture in your passport from six months ago.
  • Proof of having health insurance.
  • Proof that you paid the fee for your visa.
  • Verified copy of the applicant’s work pass.
  • Must have a valid passport with at least two blank pages and one picture. The passport must also be valid for at least 90 days after the applicant plans to leave Belarus.

What are the Requirements of Belarus Work Visas

  • The worker has to include return stamps if he wants to send the application. There are times when workers may also need to show the following papers.
  • People who want to apply must be younger than 18 years old. The child must show a copy of their birth certificate and an ID from a parent or legal guardian.
  • Applicants who were born in Belarus or the USSR and are no longer citizens must show proof.

How to Apply for Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Belarus?

First, you need to find a job in Belarus that will pay for your visa. The company in Belarus will give you a work visa. To work in Belarus, you need to get a work pass. When you have the permit, you can ask for a visa, which will let you go to Belarus and work there.


Belarus is constantly hiring people from other countries and will help them get visas for several job openings. This article goes into great depth about Belarusian visa sponsorship jobs for foreigners in 2024. It talks about benefits, types of visas, work permits, processing times, and pay packages. It talks about the three main kinds of visas that are out there (Type B, Type C, and Type D) and how to apply for a special work permit in Belarus. People who want to apply should look into job chances in Belarus and follow the steps given to get a job and a visa sponsor.

  1. What are the different types of work visas in Belarus?

    There are three types of visas in Belarus: Type B visa for transit (up to 48 hours), Type C visa for short-term stays (up to 90 days in 180 days), and Type D visa for long-term stays (for work, study, or permanent residence).

  2. How can foreign individuals work in Belarus?

    People from other countries can work in Belarus if they get a “special work permit in the Republic of Belarus.” After getting a work pass, a person can legally work in the country.

  3. Is there work in Belarus?

    Work prospects: new companies are constantly opening in Belarus, so it is difficult to remain without a job. In addition, you can count on promotion prospects. After all, you get invaluable work experience abroad. And if you speak English, you will be able to receive new, more promising job offers and a decent income.


Amna Ali

Khamzat is an experienced content writer who is passionate about creating high-quality, content. Khamzat's expertise spans a wide range of sponsorship programs, internships, scholarships, and job opportunities.

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